MSS History

MSS (International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures) was started as “Metastable and Modulated Semiconductor Structures (MMSS)” on 6-10 December 1982, in Pasadena, California, USA. The conference received its present name in 1985 and, since then, it has been regularly organized in every 2 years. The purpose of MSS is to provide an international forum on the latest progress in the field of physics, formation, processing, and device applications of modulated structures.

*: Jointly held with EP2DS

Round Year Venue Country Chairperson
1 1982 Pasadena (USA) Anupam Madhukar and Frank Grunthaner
*2 1985 Kyoto (Japan) Hiroyuki Sakaki
3 1987 Montpellier (France) Michel Voos
4 1989 Ann Arbor (USA) Leroy Chang
*5 1991 Nara (Japan) Satoshi Hiyamizu
6 1993 Garmisch Partenkirchen (Germany) Gerhard Abstreiter
7 1995 Madrid (Spain) Carlos Tejedor
8 1997 Santa Barbara (USA) Pierre Petroff
9 1999 Fukuoka (Japan) Yasuhiro Shiraki
10 2001 Linz (Austria) Günther Bauer
*11 2003 Nara (Japan) Yasuhiko Arakawa
*12 2005 Albuquerque (USA) Evelyn Hu
*13 2007 Genova (Italy) Alessandro Tredicucci
*14 2009 Kobe (Japan) Hideo Ohno
*15 2011 Tallahassee (USA) Lloyd Engel and Dmitry Smirnov (Conference)
Junichiro Kono (Program)
*16 2013 Wrocłow (Poland) Tomasz Dietl
*17 2015 Sendai (Japan) Yoshiro Hirayama
*18 2017 Pennsylvania (USA) Nitin Samarth
*19 2020 Canceled